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Arabic With Ola | International Arabic Tuition

·281 words·2 mins

See Olas website.

When I was learning Arabic, Ola was one of my tutors. I enjoyed her positivity a lot and thought she could charge far better rates for the quality of her service. I built her website for her and wrote all the copy from scratch.

Ola is a language teacher based in Cairo. Her website allows customers a peek into her personality and gives a comprehensive overview of her methods. The website is essentially a landing page. As the user scrolls down they see more features of Olas method and approach. When they go to far enough, they’ll the prices for Olas services. Most tutors don’t have their own website, so it allows Ola to differentiate herself from her competitors.

Positive branding #

Ola is a positive person with a positive attitude. I wanted this to come across in the branding of the website. I made sure all the copy came across as enthusiastic when I wrote it. As soon as you open the page there is a cute emoji smiling at the user. The website has nice light coloring that is easy on the eyes and communicates a sense of comfort.

Entice viewers with a landing page #

As you scroll down the page you will find more and more reasons to book with Ola. First there is an introduction on who she is, then she talks a bit about her methods and then you see which books she uses. When you scroll far enough to see the pricing you will also notice the first lesson is free. As users scroll down the page, they are making the decision to book with Ola before even seeing the prices.