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Yalla Masry 101 | Egyptian Arabic tuition

·361 words·2 mins

See Yalla Masry 101.

Working closely with Mahmoud (CEO of Yalla Masry 101) I was able to create a website that helps him standout to new students. As part of the service I also wrote the entire copy for the website.

Don’t rely on third party platforms #

Mahmoud is an online Arabic tutor who primarily sells his services on platforms such as iTalki and Preply. These platforms exposed Mahmoud to a large audience but in return took 33% of his earnings. With the website I helped him create, potential clients can now reach out to him directly. The best part is that Mahmoud doesn’t need to pay commission on any customers that find him through his site.

Increase outreach by posting useful content #

A blog is a great opportunity to rank on google and target new customers - especially if you know which keywords to target. Yalla Masry gives Mahmoud a place to host such a blog. With the right SEO strategy in mind, Mahmoud can create articles that are helpful to arabic learners and drive traffic to his site. I am currently working with Mahmoud to improve his SEO by recommending him topics and keywords to target as he writes new posts. The aim is to create posts that are as useful as possible to current and potential clients.

Create a personal brand #

Mahmouds website allows him to market himself less as just another person giving lessons on iTalki and more as a business. I decided to give the website a neat, crisp design in order to communicate professionalism and trustworthiness. I also added pictures of Giza and of Mahmoud himself in order to add authenticity. It was important to show that Mahmoud is the best person to teach you arabic as he has lived in Giza for his entire life.

There is nothing Mahmoud cares more about than his customers and this is reflected in the writing style. I made sure to write the content in an uplifting way that reflected Mahmouds teaching style and enthusiasm. He told me that it is important that new customers know that he is someone who is lighthearted and fun.